
コメントはお気軽にどうぞ(匿名でも大丈夫です)マリカツ:5389 3435 6241 ピクミン:5474 2627 2976 招待コードHMXLDXUOFサイト▶ファンコミュ▶過去のつぶやきはこっち(18年6月〜21年2月)▶
マリカツ:5389 3435 6241 ピクミン:5474 2627 2976 招待コードHMXLDXUOF


という恐ろしい想像をしてしまった 一番最初は名前に数字がなかったとかで……ま、まさかな……



2024.02.17 00:08
I would be happy if it could be of some help! And again, my eyes seem to be tired... I reread what I typed and realised that there is a grammatical error in the first sentence! There should not be an "is" there. w
Here is the correct wording of the sentence, in case you want to use it: "Your videos and channels will be deleted if you keep posting drawings made by other people."

2024.02.16 22:48 >TFさん
おお! ありがとうございます! またJちゃんかプリンセスちゃんに使われたら改めて話しかけに行ってみようかなあ。
それにしても本当に助かります! ありがとうございます! 私一人だったらもっと良くない対応をしてたと思うので……w

2024.02.16 19:25
In the latest video Jちゃん clearly says that she does not understand why this is happening. Really zero awareness...
I don't know if it's helpful (obviously, it's not your job to educate people about copyright! w), but just in case you might find it useful, I tried to write something in (hopefully?) easy to understand words, that you could use whenever it is needed (in case people don't know how to use machine translation):

"Your videos and channels will be deleted is if you keep posting drawings made by other people. This is called "copyright infringement".
- It is not okay to repost other people's drawings.
- It is not okay to use other people's art as your icon/avatar.
- It is not okay to put other people's drawings into a video.
- It is not okay to edit other people's drawings

To stop this from happening:
- Only use icons that you drew yourself, not one that you edited from someone else's drawing.
- Do not upload any videos that use art created by anyone other than yourself.
- If you like someone's art and want to share it with your friends, do not upload it. Instead you can show them a link to the website where the artist posted it."

And I hope that this time the DMCA report against KnowYourMeme will work! I will keep my fingers crossed for you! (= "I wish you success!") Good luck with the battle against art theft!
(Looking outside, suddenly there is a bit of a springtime mood... Time to relax, try to draw something peaceful, drink tea with Daydreamer... zzz... w)

2024.02.16 10:05 >TFさん

2024.02.15 21:18
Even that recent short was edited?! It seems that there is really no hope for some sort of realisation or change then (maybe when they are older and hopefully more mature). This is so sad...
I am glad to hear that at least some more videos/channels were taken down, so congratulations on that! Lets hope that they don't all decide to move to a different media platform and continue there instead, if they aren't doing so already.

2024.02.15 19:52 >TFさん
アイコンは26のチャンネルの時に1回消せたんですよ! 即また同じアイコンアップし直されたので意味なかったんですが……w 通報してから承認までの時間もかかるので不毛ですね〜。
そして残念ながら最新のショートも他の方の絵です……→ (きゃわいい)
なんで彼女は頑なに自分以外の部分は自分で描かないんでしょうね? 本当に全く描けないというほどではないのに不思議です……

2024.02.15 18:28
This really turned out to be like fighting a hydra! She is even still using the same icon. Has YouTube responded to the icon report, by the way, or can nothing be done about that?
Jちゃん is obviously still posting other people's art, but the most recent short seems like something that might have been drawn by herself...? There might still be hope... (I wish these people would realise the joy of creating something that they really made on their own and sharing with friends.)