
コメントはお気軽にどうぞ(匿名でも大丈夫です)マリカツ:5389 3435 6241 ピクミン:5474 2627 2976 招待コードHMXLDXUOFサイト▶▶ファンコミュ▶過去のつぶやきはこっち(18年6月〜21年2月)▶
マリカツ:5389 3435 6241 ピクミン:5474 2627 2976 招待コードHMXLDXUOF



2021.05.09 14:40 >TFさん
設定は最初に決めすぎるよりも、ストーリーを通してだんだん見えてくると楽しいですよね! 後から年齢のイメージが下がったりしても良いと思いますw
あ、翻訳の補足ありがとうございます! DeepLさんの方で何故か「甘える相手」?みたいな訳になって、そんな関係性だったっけ……??と思ってググってみてました!

2021.05.09 05:46
In Germany, the legal drinking age/adult age is 18.
If you go by Mii creation, Riva is 12 years older than everyone! w (not at all reflected by her behaviour)
And thinking about everyone's behaviour now, I think that I made all the characters in Tomodachi Life a bit too old! w But I'm glad you also think it doesn't matter much. After all, the most important thing is how they think and act in the stories. Just watching their behaviour and writing down their adventures, letting them tell the story... That is what makes it so much fun!

(While reading through SpellBlades profile, I noticed that a word was not being translated, so just in case: "Spoilsport" = "A person who ruins the fun")

2021.05.08 21:42 >TFさん
お酒飲んでるお話があったので、皆さんわりと大人なのかなとは思ってました! でも飲酒可能になる年齢も違うのか……!(日本は20歳から)
確かにFPの登録日だとゆーかりにも後輩がいた! 三人ともすごい大人っぽい(ゆーかり視点)ので後輩扱いはできないと思いますがw

2021.05.08 19:22
And when writing from their perspective, their age and experiences are definitely based on the date the FP was registered. I really think that this is their "official" age. So this means, Centurion, Mystery and Victor are younger than Yukari! They should be the ones addressing her politely! w

2021.05.08 18:52
Thank you for the info about your FPs! Shion's mental age still so low...! w (good) And Zenzai's is like expected. (I think you also said so in the questionnaire.)
The Tomodachi Life ages of my FPs are not really supposed to be "official", so please don't take it too seriously (the owner is not really so good at estimating people's age). But I did try to reflect their mental ages a bit, although I really wasn't sure about some. Especially Timid, who acts a lot "younger" than his age, but his mental age is definitely older than Shion's! w I think he seems younger because of his shyness and cowardice.
I hope Yukari won't change her speech to more polite now! (If Victor was speaking German, he would be addressing most people with polite pronouns, but that doesn't exist in English.)

2021.05.08 16:51 >TFさん
二人とも活き活きしてて良かったですね! 戦績的にはTimidさんもゆーかりもちょっと苦戦気味……!?
そしてメールありがとうございます〜!! 精神年齢を含めたイメージ的な感じですかね?>年齢設定

2021.05.07 22:08
Lots of stocks taken in the first match! (fun)
Timid won 1 match today.
I finally finished writing the character profiles and have sent a mail. Sorry for taking so long!